Direct Pediatric Care

Curo Pediatrics is a concierge direct pediatric practice.  As a member of Curo Pediatrics you will have access 7 days per week to your child’s pediatrician.  

At Curo Pediatrics,  families pay an affordable monthly fee and have access to their child’s doctor whenever they need it. Your month subscription covers all appointments and most in office tests and procedures. You will have direct access to Dr. Fauntleroy by phone, text, or email and she can address your concerns by phone, text, video visit, or in office. She offers same day or next day visits. She allows between 30 minutes to an hour per visit, so you will have plenty of time to have all your concerns addressed. She can ensure minimal/no wait times by only scheduling one patient family at a time.

Clear Cost – When you pay directly for healthcare, you know the costs upfront. This can help you plan your budget better.
More Choices – With direct care, you have more freedom in your healthcare decisions without being restricted to specific guidelines or schedules.
Personal Attention – Direct healthcare means a closer relationship with your doctor, which can lead to more individualized and attentive care.
Less Hassle – By paying directly, you skip the complexities of dealing with insurance paperwork, approvals, and potential coverage denials.
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